Recently I chatted with Jilea Hemmings of Authority Magazine about the modern beauty industry and my personal experience working as a hair & makeup artist.
Jilea asked me a really great question that I think everyone should know the answer to, now more than ever. She asked me how can anyone feel beautiful…
I think the best way to feel beautiful is to act beautiful, to talk beautiful. I was listening to a podcast the other day featuring best-selling author Jon Gordon. He was talking about the best piece of advice he ever got, and that was from champion runner, Dr. James Gills. When asked how he became successful, Gills said “I’ve learned to talk to myself instead of listen to myself. If I listen to myself I hear fear and doubts, but if I talk to myself, I can feed myself words of encouragement that I need to move forward.” This statement is so true and applicable to beauty too. If you really exude beautiful qualities and speak impeccably to yourself, then you will feel beautiful!
To read the rest of my interview & get my top tips on how to succeed in the modern beauty industry, click here!